1061. The rational psychology of perfect being theology :
Author: Ahmed, Babar
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: perfect being theology, epistemic limits, principle of sufficient reason, principle of simplicity, Islamic hermeneutics, Fazlur Rahman, AbdulKarim Soroush, literalism, Shatibi; maqasid

1062. <The religion toolkit = religion toolkit>
Author: / John Morreall, Tamara Sonn.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Classification :

1063. The sacrificial paradox of sovereignty: Martyrdom and Islamist conscientious objection
Author: Pinar Kemerli
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Philosophy; Middle Eastern history; Middle Eastern Studies; Peace Studies; Political science; Military studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Hobbes;Islam;Martydom;Political theology;Sovereignty;Turkey

1064. The sacrificial paradox of sovereignty: Martyrdom and Islamist conscientious objection
Author: Pinar Kemerli
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Philosophy; Middle Eastern history; Middle Eastern Studies; Peace Studies; Political science; Military studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Hobbes;Islam;Martydom;Political theology;Sovereignty;Turkey

1065. The semiotics of revivalist Islam: Women, space, and stories in Pakistan's islamic movements
Author: Meryem Fatima Zaman
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Cultural anthropology; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Gender;Islam;Pakistan;Revivalism;Social class

1066. The semiotics of revivalist Islam: Women, space, and stories in Pakistan's islamic movements
Author: Meryem Fatima Zaman
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Cultural anthropology; Gender studies,Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Gender;Islam;Pakistan;Revivalism;Social class

1067. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
Author: James A. Keller.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

1068. The ubiquity of ethics in international relations -- International ethics : thick or thin? -- Taking the ethical turn -- Social practices, actors and ethics -- Power, politics and ethics -- The primacy of ethics -- Understanding international relations in ethical terms -- War in Iraq understood in ethical terms : the Baker Hamilton report and other interpretations -- Global ethical practices -- The anarchical society of sovereign states -- The anarchical society of civilians : global civil society -- Ethical incoherence : individual rights versus states' rights -- Rights and sovereignty : reframing the tension -- The ethical underpinning of double anarchy -- Ethical transformation in a double anarchy -- Migrants in world politics -- Assessing humanitarian intervention -- Assessing globalization -- Understanding torture in international relations -- Global terrorism understood in ethical terms -- The threat of self destruction in civil society -- The threat of self destruction in the society of sovereign states -- Defending anarchies. ,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
Author: Mervyn Frost. ,Steven Morewood.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

1069. The universe next door :
Author: James W. Sire.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Apologetics.,Ideology-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.,Ideology.,Theology, Doctrinal, Popular works.
Classification :

1070. The world in his hands: A Christian account of scientific law and its antithetical competitors
Author: Christopher Lee Bolt
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Religion; Philosophy; Philosophy of Science,Philosophy, religion and theology;Divine providence;Islam;Laws of nature;Problem of induction;Science;Theology

1071. Theologie, Philosophie Und Mystik im Zwolfers Chiitischen Islam des 9./15. Jahrhunderts: die Gedankenwelten des Ibn Abi Gumhur al - Ahsai (um 838/ 1434 -35 - nach 906 / 1501)
Author: / Von Sabine Schmidtke
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Islam - Doctrines,Islam - Theology,Sufism - Doctrines,Ibn Abi Jumhur, Muhammad Ibn Ali, -1473. ابن ابی جمهور، محمد بن علی
Classification :

1072. Theologie, philosophie und mystik im zwolferschiitischen Islam des 9./15. Jahrhunderts
پدیدآورنده : / von Sabine Schmidtke
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
1073. Theologie, philosophie und mystik im zwolferschiitischen Islam des 9./15. Jahrhunderts: Die gedankenwelten des Ibn Abi Gumhur al-Ahsa'i (um 838/1434-35 - nach 906/1501)
Author: von Sabine Schmidtke
Library: Library of Iranology of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
Subject: Islam - Doctrines,Philosophy, Islamic,Sufism - Doctrines,Ebn Abi Jomhour, Mohammad ebn Zeyn al-din, 15th century
Classification :

1074. Theology And Society In The Second And Third Centuries Of The Hijra: A History Of Religious Thought In Early Islam,Theologie und Gesellschaft im 2. und 3 Jahrhundert Hidschra. English
Author: \ By Josef Van Ess;,Theologie und Gesellschaft im 2. und 3 Jahrhundert Hidschra,اس
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Islam -- Doctrines -- History, Islamic philosophy -- History, اسلام -- عقاید -- تاریخ
Classification :

1075. Theology and Society in the Second and Third Centuries of the Hijra
Author: \ by Josef van Ess,اس
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Islam,Islamic philosophy,History.,History.,اسلام -- عقاید -- تاریخ ,فلسفه اسلامی -- تاریخ
Classification :

1076. Theology and Society in the Second and Third Centuries of the Hijra: a History of Religious Thought in Early Islam
Author: Ess, Josef van
Library: Latin Specialized Library of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (Qom)
Subject: Doctrines History ، Islam,History ، Philosophy, Islamic
Classification :

1077. Theology and Society in the Second and third Centuries of the Hijra
Author: by Josef van Ess ; translated from German by John O'Kane.
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Islam-- Doctrines-- History.,Islamic philosophy-- History.
Classification :

1078. Theology and tafsir in the major works of Fakhr al-Din Al-Razi
Author: by Yasin Ceylan
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Razi, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad ibn Umar, 1149 or 50-1210,Razi, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad ibn Umar, 1149 or 50-1210- Views on Islamic theology,Islam - Doctrines,Philosophy, Islamic

1079. Theology, ethics and metaphysics :Royal Asiatic Society classics of Islam
Author: edited by Hiroyuki Mashita, with a new introduction by C. Edmund Bosworth
Library: (Tehran)
Subject: ، Islamic literature
Classification :